19 November, 2016

6 Gifts of Christmas

6 Gifts of Christmas

I’m being mindful of how I frame my mindset about Christmas.  There are so many dramas and anxieties around Christmas – too much to buy for, too much to cook, too many celebrations, too many relatives. These are all first world problems that are not really problems at all. Let’s take a different perspective to Christmas.

End of year rolling on like an ocean breeze, refreshing, forceful and yet calming.

My first gift of Christmas is be calm.

1.     The Serenity Santa

Let’s enter the festive season with a calm, peaceful and relaxing approach. Let’s reframe the silly season to the serene season where we are truly grateful of the gifts life has given us.  So if you catch yourself buying into the hype (and I do mean buying) take a chill pill and be calm.

Rose gardens blooming, lavender essence in the air and the sun streaming softly through your hair. My second gift of Christmas is to be present. 

2.     The present of being present

When was the last time you felt grass on the bottom of your feet? Mindfulness has taught us that when we are truly present we have a heightened awareness, greater connection and greater energy on whatever we are focusing on.  Be mindful of where your attention goes, remember where attention goes energy flows.

Body moving freely, energy abound, moving eloquently, feeling proud.  My third gift of Christmas is to be well.

3.     The present of wellness

We have all had days when we have pain and unable to get out of bed.  Each day when we are pain free and alive is a true blessing.  Physical capability to walk, run, dance, skip and be free to move any way you want.  Thank your body for being well and remember to care for it.

Choices every day to live, laugh or play to work harder and get stronger, choices every day.  My fourth gift of Christmas is to make conscious choices.

4.     The present of choice

Every day we make choices on how we live our life, the type of food we eat, where we work, how we travel, who we live with, who we play with and most of the time our choices are unconscious.  Bring to your conscious awareness the power you have to make choices.  Be mindful of your conscious choices and take responsibility for your life design.



Laughter of children, cuddles from puppies, sparkling starlight, juicy, juicy mangoes, loving friends, music that soars and a party that never ends.  My fifth gift of Christmas is to have joy.

5.     The present of joy

Be the joy in your life and then spread the joy through your circle of influence.  Find what joy means to you and your loved ones this Christmas.  Be the joy, attract the joy and extend your circle of joy.

Curious cravings, wonderful wanderings, ambitious aspirations are all actions of hope.  My sixth gift of Christmas is to be hopeful.

6.     The gift of hope

When we have hope all is possible.  Hope is the opposite of fear and hope fuels our ability to do amazing creative things. Find your hope this Christmas and share it with the world. 

My Christmas wish is to be calm, present, well, and mindful, have joy and hope. Merry Christmas from Serenity Santa.

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